How to Use 5 SEO Tools to Boost Your Website’s Ranking: A Practical Guide

When it comes to SEO, there are a ton of tools out there that you can use to help improve your website’s ranking. In this blog post, we’ll discuss five of our favorite SEO tools that anyone can use to make their website more relevant in search engines.

Write better content with Yoast

Yoast SEO is a WordPress plugin that helps you get your website noticed by search engines. It helps you write better content, improve your site’s speed and accessibility, and improve its performance. 

Yoast SEO has several SEO-related features that can help you
• Improve the relevance of your content by using the Yoast keyword analysis tool to identify how searched keywords can be added to posts or pages.

• Meta descriptions: These are the short snippets that show up under your posts in search engine results. The plugin helps you create them with useful tips and tricks to make sure they grab users’ attention.

• Titles/snippets: Search engines use titles and snippets to determine whether a post should be ranked highly for certain keywords. With Yoast SEO, it’s easy to test different versions of your title tags and meta descriptions until you find ones that work best for each post (and thus get more traffic from Google). The plugin also has built-in analysis tools so that after each time someone visits your website, they can see what made their experience successful (or not).

• Create an XML sitemap with the built-in XML generator in Yoast SEO Premium (paid version). This can increase the chances of being found by Google and other major search engines if they don’t already know about your site.

• Add structured data markup to your pages so they will appear correctly when users perform a search in Google Search console or Bing Webmaster Tools (both free services).

yoast seo blog

Increase your site’s visibility in Google


Google Search Console is a free tool that helps you monitor your website’s Google Search results. You can use it to:
• Find out how your site is ranking in Google’s search results.
• Find out how many times your site appears in search results.
Google uses these metrics to determine the quality of a web page and whether or not that page should be included on its SERPs (search engine result pages).

A comprehensive keyword research tool

SEMrush is a great tool for keyword research. It has an extremely robust database of keywords and their prices, as well as information about the search volume and difficulty of each keyword.

It’s also useful for monitoring your website’s performance. You can check out which keywords are bringing traffic to your site and see where they’re coming from, including social media sites like Facebook or Twitter.

You can use SEMrush to find new keywords that may be relevant to your business but aren’t yet being used in-market by competitors.

Power Your Page with All In One Schema

The most important thing you can do to help your website rank higher is to implement schema markup. Schema markup is a standardized method used by search engines to improve the way they crawl and index websites. It helps search engines better understand what each page on your site contains, which in turn makes it easier for them to show those pages in their search results.

There are several different types of schema markup; however, the most useful type for marketers is All In One Schema Markup because it allows you to add a variety of structured data elements into one simple tag — no separate elements required! This saves developers time and effort when creating new or updating existing pages on their sites, allowing them more time for optimizing other aspects of their SEO strategy instead (like content creation).

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Powerful SEO Made Simple with MozBar

MozBar is a free chrome browser extension that helps you analyze how people are interacting with your website.

MozBar is an SEO tool that provides useful data about the pages on your site. It analyzes how users navigate through your site, allowing you to make changes accordingly.

MozBar has two main features
• Page Authority – This metric shows how “authoritative” a page on your site is. It’s calculated based on several factors including inbound links, social shares and more. A high Page Authority means that Google views that page as an authority on its topic, which can be helpful when trying to rank well in search results.

• Domain Authority – Like Page Authority, this metric shows how authoritative your entire website is considered by Google. It’s also calculated based on several factors including inbound links, social shares and more. A high Domain Authority means Google views your entire website as an authority in its niche

Get the data you need to make smart marketing decisions

Google Analytics is a free web analytics tool that provides detailed statistics about a website’s traffic and traffic sources, including geographical location, operating system and browser type, screen resolution, and more.

It also offers information on the most popular pages of a website, as well as what users do on a site after they arrive.
The service collects data via an invisible JavaScript tag placed on every web page, which reports back to Google’s servers what pages users visit, how long they stay on each page, and what they click.

Google Analytics is offered in two versions: a basic version that provides less-detailed information, and then a paid version (known as Google Analytics 360) that provides more advanced features such as heatmaps and touch heatmaps to track user interaction with content.

Monitor Your Site with Google Webmaster Tools

Google Webmaster Tools is a free tool from Google that helps you diagnose problems with your website and how it ranks in search results. You can use this tool to:

• Diagnose issues on your site that may be affecting its performance in search results.

• Monitor the reach of your content across the web using Google Search Console. This includes tracking indexing, crawling errors and traffic data for URLs on your site.

SEO ranking is an important part of getting traffic to your website.

SEO ranking is an important part of getting traffic to your website. If you’re not getting the right kind of attention, your sales and customer base will suffer. That’s why it’s important to use SEO tools that can help improve your ranking.

Which tool is right for you?

If you’re looking for ways to improve your website’s ranking in search engines, these tools are great places to start. The key is using them regularly so that you can keep track of how your site performs and adjust accordingly. For best results, you may want to hire an SEO expert to help with your campaign.

Our team at Magnarevo can help you start a new one or improve an existing one. With our help, you can improve your website’s performance and increase its traffic. Contact us today to learn more about how our team of SEO experts can help you grow your business.

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